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Ausflüge Delnice


Finden Sie Ausflüge aus unserem Angebot, die Ihren Interessen entspricht. Ob Sie Abenteuer, Natur, Geschichte oder Sightseeing genießen, wir sind sicher, dass Sie die ideale Reise für sich finden werden.

Delnice is a town located on a higher spot in the whole country - 698 m above sea. The town is surrounded with the hills of Drgomlja, Petehovac  and  Japlenški vrh. The clime and vegetative differences on a very small area offer various tourist offer as well in summer as in the winter months. The area of Delnice includes many protected natural areas that maybe are less known, except of course the national park of Risnjak, but also wonderful and worth of visiting. Here are the wood-park Japlenski vrh, a butterfly valley, a ski centre Petehovac while a variety of vegetative and animal species gives a certain special note to each of these places.

Ausflüge Delnice Angebot