Ausflüge Kraljevica
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Kraljevica, an old coastal town, is located about twenty kilometers south of Rijeka, at the entrance to the Gulf Bakar, in the heart of the Kvarner Bay, so the passengers coming from the inside are for the first time in contact with the sea on this area.
Kraljevica was established at the end of the 15th century. Croatian name Kraljevica for the first time can be found in 1605. Log in Rijeka city council.
The town of Kraljevica was develop along the old Castle Frankopan with the parish church of St. Nikola at the end of XVIII. c. when the parish were founded.
The largest building momentum seen at the end of XIX. and at the beginning of XX century, occurs when several representative town houses and residences were built.
At the end of the 19th century begins also a significant development of tourism in Kraljevica. In 1896. on the peninsula Ostro was built one of the first public beaches on the coast. Tourism development was helped by the...
Tourist-Angebote Kraljevica
Gastronomie Kraljevica
Gesundheits-Tourismus Kraljevica
Aktiv-Urlaub Kraljevica
Kulturtourismus Kraljevica
Nachtleben Kraljevica
Transfers Kraljevica
Veranstaltungen und Unterhaltung Kraljevica
Ausflüge Kraljevica
Hotels in Kraljevica
Ferienwohnungen in Kraljevica
Ferienanlagen in Kraljevica
Ferienhäuser in Kraljevica
Villen mit Pool im Kraljevica
Camping, Mobilheim im Kraljevica
Boot mieten im Kraljevica
Bauernhof im Kraljevica
Hostel, Jugendherberge im Kraljevica
Ausflüge Kraljevica Angebot